Thematic Panel 5- Care, surveillance and vulnerability: boundaries and limits of care

Convenors- Dr. Zuzana Sekeráková Búriková and Dr. Veronika Valkovičová, Institute for Sociology of Slovak Academy of Sciences

Focusing on the relationship among care, control/surveillance, and vulnerability, the aim of this panel is to examine boundaries of care and control/surveillance.

The ethics of care criticises the separation of control (or violence) and care (Held, 2010; Tronto, 2013, 2020). The practice of care tends to imply vulnerability which is not only based on social positioning or marginality, but tends to be situational and relational, which means being vulnerable to someone, or vulnerability in a certain situation. Caring for the vulnerable is often associated with paternalism (Kittay, 1999; Smiley, 2020), which can spill over to manifestations of violence. Thus, various manifestations of power and control are part of the daily practices associated with intimate or professional care relationships and practices. 

We welcome papers which examine boundaries and limits of care focusing on aspects of care involving control, surveillance, and vulnerability. While we welcome papers from any geographical area, authors from outside of Europe are especially encouraged to apply. 

We are interested in papers:

  • Discussing dynamics of care and control/surveillance from various theoretical perspectives
  • based on empirical cases analysing how control becomes part of care practices and relationships
  • focusing on various tools and technologies used for surveillance in care practices
  • discussing abuse and violence in professional or intimate care settings and relationships.