Book series

The Transforming Care book series forms a collection of the best research on social care globally. The series is published by Policy Press and edited by Prof. Costanzo Ranci and Prof. Tine Rostgaard. It provides a publication outlet for scholars in the field of research into social care for children, adults with disabilities and/or frail older people. It has an empirical, theoretical as well as methodological scope. The book series covers four main dimensions of social care in a global perspective:

– The institutional setting of care systems and care policy (in terms of social rights to care, public regulation, public/private arrangements involving non-profit and/or for-profit organizations, marketization trends, inclusion/selection criteria, affordability, quality, etc.)
Care arrangements and practices, organized through formal and/or informal channels (caregiving and distribution of paid and unpaid care work, organization and adequacy of care services and cash for care programs, etc.)
Social and policy innovation on care services and care arrangements, and its impact and dilemmas
Formal and informal care work, including involvement of informal carers and working conditions of formal care providers.

Authors can be academics and practitioners who are active in the field of research of social care.

The book series will publish empirical and theoretical contributions from disciplines of social policy studies, political science, economics, sociology, social work, anthropology and ethnography.

The book series includes research edited volumes and monographs aimed at a readership of academics and practitioners.

One or more chapters can be published as Open access.

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