The need for scientific and theoretical investigation of care and care work is highly topical and calls for further opportunities to develop mutual exchanges and interaction among researchers. In response, the Transforming Care Network aspires to create links and cooperation among scholars involved in social care and care policy research. We aim to connect research on care across different policy fields: early childhood education and care, care for adults with disabilities, and long-term care for frail older people. Another aim is to promote intensive communication and information exchange among the members.
The main activity of network is the Transforming Care Conference which is organized every two years. The aim of the conference is to investigate how transformations of care for children, frail older people and adults with disability are playing out in policy and in practice across various nations and local units. The conference is a meeting point for care researchers in social sciences, who are studying care issues from many different perspectives and geographical regions.
Another important activity of the TCN is the Transforming Care book series which is just established. Here you can find an outlet for your publications in care. The book series is hosted by Policy Press.
As a member of the TCN, you can receive a 30% discount on all Policy Press books.
Other activities of the network include the edited TCN newsletter. As a member of the network, you will receive regular newsletters about network activities and relevant news. The newsletter is sent out two-four times a year to members of the network. We encourage you to send news about new research projects and findings, new educational activities, upcoming conferences and conference reports, calls etc. to
The network may also organize various events, such as PhD/postdoctoral workshops, scientific seminars, meetings among scholars and with social care stakeholders and institutions. Contact us for ideas!
The network has affiliation with the International Journal of Care and Caring (IJCC). The editors of the journal are present at the Transforming Care Conference and here provide advice on how to publish in the journal. The journal also very kindly co-sponsors our welcome reception.