Paper uploads

Congratulations on being selected to present your paper during the Transforming Care Conference 2017!


Please remember that the registration and a regular payment are required in order to include the paper in the final Conference program.

All papers, both presented and contributed, should be uploaded via the conference website (deadline June 10, 2017) using the password sent to you during the registration.

Please do not send the paper directly to convenors.

Papers (in pdf. format) must be 6.000-10.000 words and should include:

  • Title, author(s) and related affiliation;
  • Title of the thematic panel/symposia;
  • A short abstract.

We expect that papers follow approximately this structure:

  • Introduction
  • Literature review
  • Methodology and data
  • Analysis, discussion and conclusion.


To upload the paper click here and insert the password provided after your Conference registration