Symposium 6

Characteristics of long-term care of the older people – new perspectives from SHARE data

Chairs: Andrej Srakar, Eva Helena Zver 


Valentina Hlebec, Andrej Srakar, Boris Majcen 
LTC determinants of care arrangements for older people inEurope: Evidence from SHARE

Andrej Srakar, MatejaNagode   
Why are the older informal carers those of better health? Solving a causality problem

Boris Majcen, JožeSambt            
New measure to assess the unmet needs for long term care using SHARE data

Andrej Srakar, Eva Zver              
When is GALI better than ADL and IADL? Measures of disability of older people and their differences in assessing health care needs


Symposium 4

Providing a Non-Institutional Environment in the Nursing Home: Promising Practices from Sweden?

Chair: Håkan Jönson


Håkan Jönson, ToveHarnett      
Introducing an equal rights framework for older persons in residential care

Per Norberg      
Housing elderly with medical need in Sweden – an individual entitlement to a normal life including a normal home, providing for but not depending on family members

Tove Harnett, Håkan Jönson     
Accomplishing non-institutional mealtimes in nursing homes

Lisa Carlstedt    
Profiled nursing homes on Instagram – presentations of a fun, social and active life


Symposium 3

The transformation of cash-for-care payments for older people in Europe   

Chair: Cristiano Gori


Cristiano Gori, Marcello Morciano, Heinz Rothgang       
The policy design of the cash-for-care payments and their role in the overall LTC system

Cristiano Gori   
The regulation of care

Barbara Da Roit,Blanche Le Bihan          
The regulation of care work

August Österle 
The regulation of migrant care work


Symposium 2

Changing Policies towards Family Care and Extra-Familial Care and their Consequences – Theoretical Approaches, Concepts and Typologies   

Chairs: Birgit Pfau-Effinger, Hildegard Theobald


Hildegard Theobald              
I Care workers with migrant backgrounds in formal care services in Germany: A multi-level intersectional analysis.

Thurid Eggers, Christopher Grages, Ralf Och, Birgit Pfau-Effinger            
Care Policies towards Familial Care and Extra-Familial Care – Their interaction and role for gender equality

Gudrun Bauer, August Österle  
Combining Paid Care Work and Informal Care in Transnational Settings

Teppo Kröger   
Care poverty among older people: a new approach to comparative care policy research


Symposium 1

Privatization/ marketization in Residential Care for Older People      

Chair: Pat Armstrong


Hugh Armstrong            
Canada on the blurring line between not-for profit and for-profit residential care homes

Allyson Pollock
UK on the impact of the growth of large,for profit residential care chains

Bea Mueller      
Privatization and marketization in long-term residential care in Germany – effects on care and care work

Marta Szebehely            
The politics of profit in Swedishwelfare services

Liz Lloyd             
Devalued later life: older residents’ experiences of risk and relationships in a market system


Thematic Panel 26

Quality of care

Chair: Tine Rostgaard


Bernard Casey  
Zen and the art of care delivery

Ana Paula Gil    
A conceptual model to approach Elder Abuse and Neglect in residential care settings

Anneli Anttoneli, Olli Karsio
Marketization from within: changing governance of care services

Tine Rostgaard
Concepts of quality in long term care for older people

Tsou-Kang Hung
How to negotiate with carers to meet sexual need? -Perspectives of men with physical disabilities in Taiwan


Thematic Panel 23

Innovation and social investment in LTC      

Chair: August Österle    


Herve Hudebine             
A new public governance in regional and local social and long term care policies? The French case in a comparative perspective

Rahel Strohmeier Navarro Smith, Konstantin Kehl
Intermediary structures for frail older people: a comparative view on access, use and outcomes in Germany and Switzerland

Jen-Der Lue,Shu-Er Wei              
Social investment for children or elderly? – A Case Study of Taichung City’s Childcare and Elder Care Reforms in Taiwan.


Thematic Panel 9

Technological innovation and social investment strategies in the care sector: challenges and opportunities   

Chairs: Francesca Bettio, Annamaria Simonazzi


Lina Van Aerschot, JaanaParviainen
Robots responding to care needs? Analyzing conceptions of care and technological design motives for new generation of care robots

Laura Aldrovandi, Giovanni Solinas
Technological,economical and social issues hampering homecare approaches adoption: challenges and opportunities. Emilia Romagna perspective.

Ruth Bartlett, Brannelly, Tula, Forrester, PäiviTopo
Using GPS technologies with People with Dementia:  A systematic review of the evidence and recommendations for future practice.

Nobu Ishiguro
Can technology contribute to good care? Introduction of technology in Japanese elderly care


Thematic Panel 6

Achieving sustainable innovation in care: identifying effective pathways for scaling-up   

Chair: Katharine Schulmann, Gudrun Bauer


Henk NIes          
What makes it work? Evaluation of an eight-year national sustainability program in LTC

Laurent Fraisse, Anne Eydoux, Elisabetta Bucolo             
Innovating for a better access of children of working lone parent to childcare facilities: reframing local childcare system or encouraging the additional private solutions?

Herve Hudebine
A new public governance in regional and local social and long term care policies? The French case in a comparative perspective


Thematic Panel 25

Care policy in Italy: national and regional trends   

Chair: Stefania Sabatinelli


Lucia Ferrara, Giuseppe Moro
The coordination between the cure and the care sectors: dynamics, factors and mechanisms

Veronica Polin
Evaluation of the Effects of Regional Subsidies for Childcare Services in the Period 2003-2013: The Case Study of the Veneto

Sergio Pasquinelli          
Collaborative welfare: evidence beyond the storytelling   

Giovanni Lamura           
Elder care needs and service provision in Italy:  current challenges for policy and practice in an international perspective