Book series

The Transforming Care book series forms a collection of the best research on social care globally. The series is published by Policy Press and edited by Prof. Costanzo Ranci and Prof. Tine Rostgaard. It provides a publication outlet for scholars in the field of research into social care for children, adults with disabilities and/or frail older people. It has an empirical, theoretical as well as methodological scope. The book series covers four main dimensions of social care in a global perspective:

– The institutional setting of care systems and care policy (in terms of social rights to care, public regulation, public/private arrangements involving non-profit and/or for-profit organizations, marketization trends, inclusion/selection criteria, affordability, quality, etc.)
Care arrangements and practices, organized through formal and/or informal channels (caregiving and distribution of paid and unpaid care work, organization and adequacy of care services and cash for care programs, etc.)
Social and policy innovation on care services and care arrangements, and its impact and dilemmas
Formal and informal care work, including involvement of informal carers and working conditions of formal care providers.

Authors can be academics and practitioners who are active in the field of research of social care.

The book series will publish empirical and theoretical contributions from disciplines of social policy studies, political science, economics, sociology, social work, anthropology and ethnography.

The book series includes research edited volumes and monographs aimed at a readership of academics and practitioners.

One or more chapters can be published as Open access.

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The Transforming Care Conferences Symposia focus on a particular and topical theme.

Each of the Symposia are proposed by a Symposium Chair and include up to 4 identified paper authors who will present their paper in the panel. One or more Discussants will comment on the papers.  

Symposia 2019:

  1. The role of national policies in shaping migrant workers’ experience in providing home care for older people in Europe
  2. Innovation for sustainable care: International perspectives from industry and practice
  3. Implementing reablement in home care – what are we talking about?
  4. Privatization: The Case of Nursing Homes
  5. Care arrangements in context of migration
  6. Care work and change. An across (and within) country comparison of working conditions and job quality in the care sector
  7. Combining work and care: workplace support and its contribution to sustainable care arrangements


Thematic Panels

Thematic Panels

The Thematic Panels are organized within a certain theme and are hosted by the Chair(s) who has suggested the theme.

Thematic Panels 2019:

  1. Managing care priorities in practice: leadership dilemmas in different contexts
  2. Age(ing in the) Friendly City: Global Guidelines / Diverse Realities
  3. Reablement as a mechanism for sustainability and active long-term care
  4. Technology for care and living: Solutions and challenges
  5. The intergenerational mutual interdependence in aging societies
  6. Marketisation of care: Strategic policy approach or unintended corollary?
  7. Making the informal formal. Incentivizing the role of family care givers and migrant care workers in the provision of long term care within the home
  8. Childcare, equality and wellbeing for all: Is it possible?
  9. Care as a labour market: Care occupations and professions between quality and contractual arrangements
  10. After Austerity Policies: Trends for Care and Gender Equality
  11. Challenges to ageing in place: Potential risks of isolation and abandonment for frail older people living at home
  12. Priorities for quality of care and user-centred care – implications for formal and informal care workers
  13. Changing Cultural Ideas and Care Policies across Welfare States and Policy Levels
  14. Care regimes and task division – comparative evidence
  15. Men, work and care in contemporary families
  16. Comparative perspectives on live-in care migration 
  17. Social and Health Care Policies for Elderly Migrants in Europe
  18. Transforming care work: Impact on working conditions and job quality
  19. Inequalities and care needs in old age
  20. What ECEC services in the context of rising child poverty?
  21. Care in South America: Challenges and tensions in research and public policies
  22. Changing priorities of disability policies and care/assistance for disabled people in different care regimes
  23. Collaboration with Volunteers and NGOs to Tranform Care: Valuing Unpaid Care Work