
Downloading papers

Click here to download the papers for the conference. This sub site will be updated weekly, so please be patient if your paper is not yet visible.

Uploading papers
The Transforming Care Conference is based on the principle of sharing and preparing. Therefore, please upload your paper no later than June 1st 2019, so that other conference delegates can read and prepare comments for you.
The papers are password protected. You receive the password when you register for the conference (check your receipt for the payment).

Papers will only be uploaded to the conference website up untill June 19th 2019.

For uploading your paper use the following form. You will need to identify your Thematic Panel/Symposium as well as your User Id. You will find both in the email confirming that your paper has been accepted to be presented or contributed.

There are no requirement as to the length or content of your paper.

Please submit the following information about your paper, so that we can place it in the right Thematic Panel/Symposia. After June 2nd changes to information about authors, title and abstract will not be updated in the program or Book of abstracts.

Paper upload for the conference

The fields marked with * are mandatory