Symposium 2

Changing Policies towards Family Care and Extra-Familial Care and their Consequences – Theoretical Approaches, Concepts and Typologies   

Chairs: Birgit Pfau-Effinger, Hildegard Theobald


Hildegard Theobald              
I Care workers with migrant backgrounds in formal care services in Germany: A multi-level intersectional analysis.

Thurid Eggers, Christopher Grages, Ralf Och, Birgit Pfau-Effinger            
Care Policies towards Familial Care and Extra-Familial Care – Their interaction and role for gender equality

Gudrun Bauer, August Österle  
Combining Paid Care Work and Informal Care in Transnational Settings

Teppo Kröger   
Care poverty among older people: a new approach to comparative care policy research